Monday, March 8, 2010

Spring Break Day Three, possible insanity on it's way...

 Today is my third day of spring break and as all of my pot-head friends head out to California to bake their brains away and spread their diseased of love to each other, I stay here with my closer friends. We, of course, have no money and only one of us has a car. We had originally planned to go up north where it will be snowing and play a while in the winter wonderland. However the weather did not like the idea of us having fun so it froze up all the roads and sneezed a huge winter tantrum at us.. So here we are.. at home.

This is me...

Today, I was at the wonderful tooth doctor, talking about my new found wisdom teeth, those little bastards decided to pop up right after I got my braces off and it would seem I will never be free from that awful doctor’s office. After being given a prescription for Vicodin and several other mystery drugs, I was pretty content with the idea that I may become just as much of a potthead as my other loser friends. So I was ready to leave that horribly clean place and as I walked out the door I caught a glimpse of one of my ex’s friends, one who had been particularly mean to me, and not just a little mean, a lot mean. This shit fart of a guy was one of my friend’s boyfriends so he happened to be everywhere we were and only ever made things worse for me, making jokes and claiming to see my ex at whatever destination we were headed for. He would say things about me saying that I was a bitch and deserved what I got and other absurdities. As if I wouldn’t eventually hear them..

This is a picture I quickly drew of him to give you a better visual....

  That’s what he looked like... So anyways, I quickly looked away, but I knew he noticed me, and I got the giggles, (my friend had dumped him about a week or so ago) and I couldn’t stop laughing. I felt bad because I knew how it felt to get dumped, but at the same time, the awkwardness of the situation was too much. So I laughed my ass off as I walked to my mom’s car and he walked a distance behind, and when we pulled out, he almost ran into us with his car. And this time I couldn’t contain it, I laughed so hard that he may have heard me through the glass. Although I'm not one for making people feel uncomfortable, I suddenly was rushed with memories of how many times this guy made me feel like shit when I already felt bad enough, and I laughed when I saw the awkward and embarrassed look on his face, and I laughed even harder when he gawked at how normal and carefree I was. This was possibly the sanest moment I have had in a long time, even though it involved me sitting in a car laughing hysterically for no apparent reason.
Then of course a failed attempt to see my friends led me back into my fight with insanity and here I am, writing it all down. Of course there is a beacon of light in my mental future, my mother, after years of nagging, has finally given in to letting me get and hatch duck eggs again. When I was little she let my older sister hatch some and again when I was a tad older, but I hardly remember that and so I used the old "well I wont be here for that much longer" trick and she gave in. I believe that secretly, she is just as excited as I am about getting these ducks. And if you think I am crazy, well.. you may be right, but these things are absolutely adorable and follow you everywhere, not to mention they love you to death, and it is always good to get some love... even if it is from a baby duck.

This is what the little things look like, a lovely little Malard duckling, and they fit right into the palm of your hand. :)

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